Radical Rider and Radical Rider Kayak Shop are trading names of Radical Rider Ltd.

Radical Rider Ltd is a private limited company registered in the UK.

We pay all taxes in the UK.

We strive to be as transparent as possible with regards to our stock levels and availability, in the hope that your shopping experience is nothing but pure pleasure.

100% of Radical Rider Ltd shares are owned by the founder Jiri Tykal. This allows us to be truly independent and to have free choice in the brands and products we stock and offer to our customers. As we do not need to satisfy expectations of equity investors, we are free to prioritise customer satisfaction, sustainability and good morals over corporate profits.

Neither Jiri or Radical Rider Ltd have any financial investments in any other companies.

Radical Rider Ltd
Company number: 09818156
VAT number: GB321695993
EORI: GB321695993000
EORI (NI): XI321695993000

If you have any questions regarding Radical Rider Ltd please do not hesitate to contact Jiri via jiri@radicalrider.co.uk.